Thursday, October 21, 2010


They're up. Take a look. More pictures will be on their way, but I'm so stoked to see everything on the walls. Stay tuned for more visual evidence.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's All Coming Together

Last night the Neighbor Who Hangs Art at a Museum for a Living came over. He's a very smart man and he helped lay the foundation for hanging all my pieces. I. Am. Stoked.
And grateful. There are about 50 pieces and without his guidance, this would be too daunting.

Above is a taste of the still unfinished hallway.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Last Batch (for now)

Hello friends,

With but a week to go until The Big Bash, I managed to finish five more pieces and slather them in synthetic amber, thus preserving my visions for all eternity. Ahem. Here they are on the patio table awaiting the hot sun for a day of hard curing. Behold:

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Monday, October 4, 2010


I thought I was done. But a conversation with my neighbor changed that. You see, he sets up art exhibitions for a living. And concurred with The Million Dollar Wife that the downstairs hallway and landing was a superior space . I'd been hung up on the big living room, but I am convinced. Why? I am a flexible thinker.
And his ideas for how the paintings can be displayed are radical and exciting. However, I want to now finish at least one more BIG piece, plus a few more little ones before it all goes up.
And when the need for inspiration arises, inspiration will soon follow - if you ask nicely.
Here's what I started last night. It ain't done yet, but I like where it's going. Thoughts?

- Posted using BlogPress from my pretentious iPhone

Location:Webster Pl,Oakland,United States